Get your manuscript ready for publication. Our in-house editor Katharine Chezum will go over your novel or memoir with a fine-tooth comb to catch inconsistent character behavior or speech, and style or readability issues. Katharine will check the grammar, punctuation, spelling, and word usage of your manuscript, and also assist with rewriting/rewording sections that may need help to ensure that the story stays true to itself. Depending on her schedule, it normally takes 3-4 months for our editor to go over a full manuscript.
Please send your full manuscript as a Microsoft Word document in Times New Roman 12-pt. font with 1-inch margins, double-spaced.
If this is your first time working with Kat, she will go over the first five pages free of charge for manuscripts of 200 pages or more as a sample, then get back to you with notes and schedule a brief phone interview to discuss your work. (For shorter manuscripts or poetry chapbooks, she will go through the first three pages free of charge.)
Alison Burnett, Author of Undiscovered Gyrl and The Escape of Malcolm Poe
Katharine Chezum graduated from Biola University and the Torrey Honors Institute in 2011.
She began editing professionally for L.A. Writer's Lab in 2012. Since then, she has edited numerous manuscripts and worked with several best-selling authors.
Creativity is your birthright. Your sole purpose is to build a body of work.