Sometimes the deeper we get into our story, the more we seek distraction. The internet will suck the life out of any writer. It will turn the most disciplined among us into bug-eyed addicts. Not only can it swallow great chunks of our precious writing time, it can assault the senses and steer us away from the stillness of our source.
I urge any writer to avoid the web until writing is done for the day. The same goes for cell phones, any phone calls for that matter, texting, grocery shopping, business, emails, taxes, dinner plans, visits with the in-laws. Writing requires more quiet and focus than any of these other tasks. Until I get my writing done, I’m a testy bastard. When it’s done for the day, I turn into a pussycat.
What is your worst distraction? How do you avoid it?
Learn more about marrying the wildness of your imagination to the rigor of structure in The 90-Day Novel, The 90-Day Memoir, or The 90-Day Screenplay workshops.